Fact is, the nation’s road system is our workplace. No group has more interest in improving highway safety than trucking, no matter what you read in some newspapers
Arlington,VA,USA -Transport Topics -5 Oct 2009: -- Twice in recent days, the New York Times has uncharacteristically turned its attention to the trucking industry, and twice it has tried to give trucking a black eye, strongly implying that the industry is unsafe and has little interest in getting safer... In the first instance, on Sept. 23, the Times editorialized against President Obama’s nomination of Anne Ferro to head the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, claiming that Ferro’s service as president of the Maryland Motor Truck Association disqualified her from the federal post... Her crime? She has supported the new hours-of-service rule adopted by FMCSA after long study, the very rule that has helped reduce truck-related highway deaths despite all of the carping from the Teamsters and some other interest groups. Actually, crash and fatality rates for large trucks are at the lowest level since the federal government began collecting the statistics... The Times’ reasoning is hogwash and extremely unfair to a woman who has spent much of her career making roads and drivers safer... On Sept. 28, the Times focused its latest installment of a series on distracted driving on truckers, claiming that truck accident rates are increasing even as safety improvements have brought down overall death rates... The newspaper’s numbers were wrong, and led to a correction a couple of days later that included data that show truck-involved crashes actually have declined... The Times tried to use these erroneous “facts” to show that trucking isn’t interested in improving safety...Labels: truckers' discussions
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