TECHNO/SAFETY PRODUCTS * UK- DRIVSCO ‘learning vehicles’ alert their drivers to dangers
A computer system that allows vehicles to learn from the behaviour of drivers at the wheel could help detect unusual behaviour and prevent accidents
UK -The Engineer Online -22 September 2009: ... The system, calledDRIVSCO, was developed by researchers from six European countries... Their concept gives cars the ability to obtain a behaviour pattern of the driver as he or she faces a curve or approaches an intersection, pedestrian or another vehicle...For example, during night driving, if the vehicle system detects a deviation in the way a driver faces a curve, it will interpret it is due to the lack of visibility and then generate signals of alarm to warn the driver... DRIVSCO works using a system of artificial vision developed on a single chip by researchers at the University of Granada. The device receives input pictures and produces a first 'interpretation of the scenario' by combining information on depth (using 3D vision), local movement and image lines... Members of the DRIVSCO collaboration include: Project leader Eduardo Ros Vidal, from the University of Granada and scientists at Germany's University of Göttingen, University of Münster and the company Hella & Hueck, Denmark's University of Southern Denmark, Lithuania's University Vytautas Magnus, Belgium's Catholic University of Leuven and Italy's University of Geneva...(Picture: Screen of the DRIVSCO system)
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