The most annoying part of this whole process is that Canadian trucks cross the border daily and have done so for years with none of the integration problems we are experiencing with the Mexican carriers !!! ...
Detroit,MICH,USA -The Detroit Trucking Examiner, by Linda Sunkle-Pierucki -September 6. 2009: -- For the past three days, we’ve looked at the recently released Inspector General’s audit report regarding requirements the FMCSA needs to meet to prepare for Mexican trucks to cross the border on a regular basis... The most annoying part of this whole process is that Canadian trucks cross the border daily and have done so for years with none of the integration problems we are experiencing with the Mexican carriers. It’s clear that Canada’s systems and regulations were similar enough to our own that there were no big issues during the transition. The real question we are left with is why Mexico was treated so differently from the get-go and why weren’t these procedures in place from the beginning as they are with Canada? That is not Mexico’s fault; that is the failure of our own regulatory authorities to demand parity. And an even bigger question is why did this occur? ... All of this information can be gleaned from a routine, nondescript Inspector General Audit Report. Certainly, if we can find this information, members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee can find it just as easily. Reading this, it’s obvious that there are so many problems right here in River City that we cant expect Mexican carriers to meet regulations we aren’t even capable of enforcing. These are all things that United States and Canadian carriers and drivers are expected to follow and that are carefully monitored. Obviously, this is all lip-service to Congress and the American people. There is no way this Mexican Truck program is ever going to equitable or traceable. Even if Mexico were to do its level best to comply, we aren't doing our part here. And we can just about guarantee that someone from DOT will put out a press release within a few months saying all problems are solved – they’ve done it every year or so on orders from the Commerce Dept or the Prez or some high official. This is a joke and I, for one, don't think its funny! ... (Photo from mexicotrucker: Gallery nldomingo)Labels: mexicans' trucks debate
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