* USA - Oil Stakeholders Rally against Low-Carbon Fuel Standard
COL,USA -Enviromental Leader -September 3, 2009: -- A 125-member group, comprised of oil companies, retailers, trucking and transportation groups, and industry organizations, are stepping up efforts against a low-carbon fuel standard (LCFS), reports The Trucker. Some are also protesting the Obama administration’s multi-million grants to industry groups to promote clean alternatives to petroleum... A LCFS will raise gas prices, cost jobs and force more energy dependence on foreign oil, according to the Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA)... Although low carbon provisions were removed from the Waxman-Markey bill earlier this summer, CEA is starting a grassroots educational campaign against a LCFS because it may be considered again in future legislation, reports The Trucker... (Image from The Trucker/GetNewsPhoto: CEA kicks off campaign against low-carbon fuel standard)
* USA - DME rebounding as alternative to diesel for trucks and cars
USA -Fleet Owner, by Sean Kilcarr -Sep 4, 2009: -- Several big players in the global car and truck market are rekindling an interest in dimethyl ether or “DME” as an alternative fuel, largely because it’s relatively cheap, requires very low injection pressures, and produces little pollution from combustion... “DME also costs less than diesel on an equal energy basis; 1.8 gallons of DME will cost less than 1 gallon of diesel, assuming $70/bbl or higher oil price,” said Jim McCandless, CEO of Alternative Fuel Technologies, which designs and manufactures common rail and injection systems to handle DME in diesel engines. “As a liquefied gas like propane, that becomes liquid under low pressure of 60 psi, DME is an ideal diesel fuel [replacement] because it has very high oxygen content – 35% by weight – and no carbon-carbon bonds. What that means is that it cannot produce soot particulates or black smoke”... Testing of DME as a diesel fuel alternative is currently being conducted by the Volvo Group and Ford Europe, with chemical giant Chemrec AB beginning work on a “BioDME” plant in Sweden that uses a “black liquor gasification technology” to make DME from organic refuse produced by the forestry industry... (Photo from fleetowner: dme alternative diesel)
* Australia - Truck, Engine Manufacturers, Gas Industry Take Lead on Alt-Fuels in
Canberra,Australia -NGV Global News (/
Remuera, Auckland,New Zealand) -September 3, 2009: -- Australia’s Truck Industry Council (TIC) is responding to increased levels of interest from truck buyers in alternatively fuelled trucks. TIC says the more rapid take up of greener trucks, which also employ the latest safety technologies, is not without hurdles. Highlighting these hurdles to Members of Parliament and Senators in Canberra, the nation’s capital city, is a key objective of two information seminars to be delivered this month... Meanwhile Australia’s Energy Networks Association (ENA) is adding its weight to the argument, saying that natural gas vehicles are a key solution to Australia’s energy and greenhouse objectives. In an ENA press release, CEO Andrew Blyth said the association is currently looking at ways to increase NGV use in Australia... (Picture: Kenworth T908 LNG Truck on display at the 2009 Brisbane Truck Show)Labels: alternative fuels
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