Your FAST card is not a Jail Free card
Laredo,TX,USA -Today's Trucking –17 April 2009: -- Attention drivers. Your FAST card is not -- repeat -- NOT a Get Out of Jail Free card... Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers pulled the truck in for a secondary examination and while their truck-sniffing dog alerted them to something fishy in the mattress of the bunk... They looked more closely and unearthed the million bucks, all wrapped up in tape...Officials then arrested 26-year-old Jose Martinez Gonzalez of Nuevo Laredo, Mex, on federal bulk cash smuggling charges and turned him over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) special agents and the tractor was seized by CBP officers... Last year, CPB officers at Laredo intercepted more than $3 million in undeclared currency in 146 different seizures. So far this year, it’s been $9.9 million in 62 seizures... FAST-approved drivers receive less scrutiny than other truckers, but that could change if drivers continue to abuse the system... (Trucks are backed up near the U.S.-Mexico border at Laredo, TX. Photo: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).* Hazmat letter confuses some truckers
Washington,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Reed Black -April 17, 2009: -- How much insurance do you need if your load includes a lawnmower, jet ski or motor vehicle?: The answer, according to the FMCSA, is $1 million... The agency is mailing letters to truckers reminding them that any time they haul things like internal combustion engines or battery-powered vehicles they need the higher insurance coverage, even though it’s not a placarded load... The tricky part is that – even if you get the $ 1 million policy – you could still lose your authority if you don’t notify the FMCSA that you have the required coverage and make sure it’s reflected on your MCS-150... If you get one and aren’t sure what to do, you can call OOIDA for assistance. Just ask for the Permits and Licensing Department...Labels: truckers' warning
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