User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: GANGS * South Australia - The myths and mayhem of bikie gangs in

Apr 6, 2009

GANGS * South Australia - The myths and mayhem of bikie gangs in

Adelaide,South Australia -The Sunday Mail, by NIGEL HUNT -April 5, 2009: -- Don't be fooled - not even for a minute. Despite what the newly-activated bikie PR machine would have you believe, gang members are not in it just because they like riding motorcycles... Between them, Adelaide's seven bikie gangs contain more convicted criminals than any other club in South Australia - except Yatala Labour Prison... One club with 46 members boasts 1800 convictions between them, while another with 48 members shares more than 750 - all worn as an invisible badge of merit by their members... In no other club in SA do the members engage in so many types of crime - ranging from murder and other violent crimes to drug manufacturing and distribution to property crimes. And in no other club is the bashing, shooting or execution of rivals and other "targets" carried out by senior members... While Adelaide's bikie gang members have been bleating loudly about the harsh and unfair nature of the Rann Government's new anti-bikie laws in recent weeks - and, yes, some aspects are just that - don't imagine these guys would not think twice about squashing you if you got in their way or if they thought they could make a buck out of you. That's what they do. For them, their colours and lifestyle are king and they have no respect for human life - particularly if it's wearing rival colours... (Video from YouTube, by WeAreChangeBrisbaneFatal bashing heightens bikie gang debate": The fatal bashing of a man at Sydney airport yesterday has heightened the debate over how police can curb the excesses of motorcycle gangs. In response, NSW Premier Nathan Rees has doubled the size of the anti-gang squad. Mr Rees is also considering anti-bikie laws similar to those in South Australia, where just being a member of a bikie group could itself be a crime.)



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