"When a four-wheeler sits in the driver’s seat and turns the key, you just know there could be trouble”Nashville,TN,USA -
href="http://roadking.com/story.php?id=1241">Road King, by Dan Calabrese -30 March 2009: -- No doubt, those driving four-wheel cars and trucks may very well wish for the same thing — but there’s no getting around the fact that the two groups have to share the road with each other. Though truckers’ safety records are scrutinized intently, they have to adapt to the fact that most four-wheel drivers simply aren’t familiar with the particular challenges of driving trucks... The Share the Road program, sponsored by the American Trucking Associations (ATA), addresses that knowledge gap. Share the Road offers presentations and training sessions across the country in which program representatives and active truckers help four-wheel drivers understand how to drive safely around trucks... Motorists who participate in Share the Road get the opportunity to sit in the cab of a truck and see for themselves the limitations of mirrors, as well as the severe blind spots that are unlike anything a motorist experiences in a car... One four-wheeler who participated in a recent demonstration in Jacksonville, Fla., climbed out of the truck with a new attitude. “I travel on the road with these trucks every day,” he said, “and I have newfound respect for these gentleman”...* Don’t minimize value of truckingFargo,ND,USA -InForum, by Andy Desharnais -April 6, 2009: -- Most people look down on the trucking industry. My parents used to manage a truck stop and saw many drivers through the years, and my dad is a petroleum transportation specialist. People always look down on the drivers and think they are rude slobs and that they own the road, but that’s not true... Many people don’t realize that when a truck is traveling down the road, they can’t stop as fast as your Escalade or little Kia, because even when they are not loaded they weigh a lot. So when you are going down the road and see a semi truck, please do not get mad at them. They are hardworking Americans...Labels: share roads safely
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