User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: INFRASTRUCTURES * USA - Official ban trucks from Route 2, temporarily

Apr 6, 2009

INFRASTRUCTURES * USA - Official ban trucks from Route 2, temporarily

(SGVN/Staff Photo by Walt Mancini)
La Cañada Flintridge,Los Angeles,CAL,USA -SGV Tribune, by Robert S. Hong -3 April 2009: -- Starting Monday, Caltrans will close Angeles Crest Highway to big-rigs, officials announced Friday in response to this week's crash in which a truck that lost its brakes on the mountain road slammed into a car, killing a father and his daughter... Assemblyman, Anthony Portantino, of the Forty-Fourth District answers questions from the media at a press conference Friday April 3, 2009, in Angeles National Forest. Caltrans announced a temporary ban on big-rig trucks on the Angeles Crest Highway, beginning Monday...
(Image by Malia Mailes)
Los Angeles,CAL,USA -Los Angeles Times -6 April 2009: -- On the atlas map, Route 2 is the thick red line . . . and according to the legend, a thick red line means it is a “principal highway.” Switching gears now . . . let’s look at Angeles Forest Highway, which is the other part of the Palmdale trek over the Crest. Unlike Route 2, which is a state road, Angeles Forest Highway is a county road. Here in the atlas, truckers see Angeles Forest Highway as a black line, which means it is designated as “other road” and it has no restrictions. So you can see how an inexperienced trucker or someone not familiar with the area might feel free to take the Crest route, especially if his GPS is telling him to go that way...
(Photo by Malia Mailes)
Los Angeles Times -6 April 2009: -- For instance, during the fires in the Sylmar/Santa Clarita area last November when those freeways were closed, he said many trucks chose to detour over the Crest. He said that when there was that truck fire inside the tunnel that closed the 5 for several days in October of 2007, many trucks came over the Crest...



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