User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING CRISIS * Japan - Long, short-distance haulers losing jobs, cutting corners to make ends meet

Nov 3, 2008

TRUCKING CRISIS * Japan - Long, short-distance haulers losing jobs, cutting corners to make ends meet

Truckers feeling financial squeeze

Tokyo,Japan -The Yomiuri Shimbun -3 Nov 2008: -- The financial crisis has affected the distribution industry, causing some truck drivers to take desperate measures to make ends meet... The number of jobs at the delivery company in Kansai where the man works has dropped dramatically since September. This likely is because exporting firms have reduced production... In October, the man earned 260,000 yen after taxes. Of that amount, 130,000 yen was salary and the rest was commission and a so-called effort allowance... If the driver uses local roads rather than the expressway, he can pocket 70 percent of the tolls he would have paid on the highway... The driver said he sometimes feels himself falling asleep while driving... A 39-year-old short-distance trucker in Saitama also is facing a dire situation... Because the company he worked for went bankrupt two months ago, he was forced to accept a temporary job in mid-October at a company that carries base paper for cardboard to Chiba and Kanagawa prefectures...



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