User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CLEAN TRUCKS PROGRAM * USA - LA Port Won't Stop for FMC Suit

Nov 2, 2008

CLEAN TRUCKS PROGRAM * USA - LA Port Won't Stop for FMC Suit

Los Angeles,CAL,USA -Journal of Commerce/Traffic World, by Bill Mongelluzzo -30 Oct 2008: -- The Port of Los Angeles has vowed to maintain its licensing program for harbor trucking companies even if the Federal Maritime Commission succeeds in blocking enforcement of the employee driver requirement... The FMC on Wednesday announced that it will sue in U.S. District Court in Washington to block certain provisions in the LA-Long Beach clean-trucks program that the commission believes are anti-competitive... While the commission does not intend to challenge those aspects of the plan that are designed to reduce diesel emissions by 80 percent over the next five years, the commission expressed concern over certain licensing provisions, especially the Los Angeles requirement that motor carriers phase employee drivers into their fleets... Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Geraldine Knatz, in a prepared statement Wednesday, said the port has already instituted a ban on old, polluting trucks and will move forward with that program regardless of what happens in court... "Even if the court issues an injunction temporarily halting the employee mandate requirement, the port will continue with all other aspects of the [clean-truck plan]," Knatz stated...

* FMC's Brennan Opposes LA Trucks Suit

Washington,DC,USA -Journal of Commerce/Traffic World, by Bill Mongelluzzo -31 Oct 2008: -- Federal Maritime Commission member Joseph E. Brennan blasted his fellow commissioners for voting to seek a federal court injunction to block certain requirements of the Los Angeles-Long Beach clean-trucks program... Commissioners Harold J. Creel and Rebecca F. Dye on Wednesday voted to sue in U.S. District Court in Washington to block certain requirements they believe are anti-competitive. Brennan, the third member of the three-member commission, voted against the motion... Brennan agrees with the Los Angeles view that employee drivers are needed in order to ensure the sustainability of the clean-trucks program. He said owner-operators earn on average $29,000 per year, which qualifies a family of four for public financial assistance...



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