User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: STRIKE * USA - At trucking company near 7th week and counting

Nov 1, 2008

STRIKE * USA - At trucking company near 7th week and counting

Seattle,WASH,USA -The Seattlepi, by DAN RICHMAN -October 30, 2008: -- A strike by hundreds of workers at Auburn-based Oak Harbor Freight Lines Inc. will enter its seventh week Tuesday with no resolution in sight, spokespeople for the company and the Teamsters union said... Troubles at the family-owned trucking business, which serves the five westernmost states, began Sept. 22, when 40 percent of the employees -- 578 drivers, dock workers, office workers and mechanics -- walked off the job. Since then, 177 have returned to work, company spokesman Mike Hobby said... The striking workers staffed all 10 of the company's terminals in Washington state, its single terminal in Boise and the four unionized terminals in Oregon, where the company maintains a total of eight terminals. All those terminals are operating but are being picketed. Some nonunion company facilities also are being picketed, Al Hobart, vice president of the western region of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters said... Contract issues in dispute include the possible termination of health care benefits to retired employees and the possible reduction or elimination of paid sick leave, Hobart said. Hobby described the central issue as whether the Teamsters are willing to join the company's health insurance plan...



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