INFRASTRUCTURE * USA - Alabama port expands with $300M container terminal
Mobile,ALA,USA -Associated Press/The Trucker, by GARRY MITCHELL-7 Nov 2008: --The expansion ofthe Panama Canal by 2014 will allow much larger ships to call onGulf of Mexicoports,Mobileshipping officials said Thursday at the harbor's new $300 million container terminal... The Panama Canalexpansion will bring vessels twice as large as those now being serviced atMobile, the nation's 10th largest port, with new ocean commerce expected to come from Asia, Port Authority CEOJimmy Lyonssaid at a news conference...(Photo: Alabama Port Authority CEO Jimmy Lyons, left, Alabama Gov. Bob Riley and APM Terminals CEO Kim Fejfer, right, are shown in Mobile after the Nov. 6 opening of APM's container terminal. When fully operational it's expected to create more trucking jobs)
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