REPORT * USA - Glut of trucks means carriers won’t pre-buy ’09 models
Orders for 2008 and 2009 model year tractor trailers won’t overwhelm engine manufacturers
Arkansas,AR,USA -Arkansas Democrat Gazette, by LAURIE WHALEN -October 12, 2008: --... Instead, most corporate carriers — the main buyers of heavy-dutyengine trucks — will continue normal buying cycles as the next EPA emissions deadline looms in 2010.That’s the conclusion one transportation analyst reached after surveying 88 carriers about their forthcoming buying behavior...Thom Albrecht, a transportation equity analyst with Stephens Inc. in Glen Allen, Va., said the findings of his report were good news for the trucking industry since “excess capacity” will be kept out of the market...The change in behavior is a reversal from a couple of years ago when carriers boosted the sales of trucks in 2005 and 2006 to avoid buying more expensive, but more fuel-efficient, 2007 models with “cleaner” burning engines. The trucks with the new engines cost as much as $ 10, 000 more than previous models, industry insiders said... (Photo: A Reynolds Nationwide 6,500-gallon Polar tank trailer and Peterbilt tractor hauling milk arrive at the San Antonio TX headquarters where the company has been since its inception in the early 1970s)
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