COMMENT * USA - As election nears, Bush's legacy is a done deal
San Francisco,CA,USA -The San Francisco Chronicle, by Edward M. Gomez -16 Oct 2008: --... commentator Dan Gardner, writing for Canada's CanWest news service, also observes:"The latest Gallup poll has Bush's approval rating falling to a record low of 27 percent, which is surprising only when one realizes it means one in four Americans actually thinks Bush is doing an acceptable job....He seemed a harmless little man back in 2000....Fast forward a few years - Osama bin Laden gets away, government goes into deficit, there are no Iraqi WMDs, 'Mission Accomplished' turns into 'Mission Impossible' - and many people asked whether [Bush] is among the worst presidents in modern American history....Then New Orleans drowned, and [he] congratulated the unqualified hack - 'Brownie, you're doing a heckuva a job' - who let it happen.Investigations steadily revealed the administration was rife with cronyism, corruption and incompetence" ...Then "we learned that [Bush,] who proclaimed, 'every man and woman on this earth has rights and dignity and matchless value,' had authorized systematic torture" ...(Photo by Larry Downing/Reuters - Spotted this month: A sign with a figure made of an oil barrel on the lawn of a house in Crawford, Texas, near George W. Bush's ranch; its message said, "Happy trails to you, Mr. President Bush. Brother, can you spare a gallon?")
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