Ontario truckers are rolling out a new campaign to stop aggressive driving on the highways
Barrie,ON,Canada -The Barrie Advance, by Janis Ramsay-Sep 11, 2008: --... The campaign uses long-haul trucks as moving billboards to ask motorists to call 911 if they see aggressive drivers.Police ask passengers to call 911 with the tip – and preferably a licence plate number.Drivers can call but police hope they pull off to the side of the road before dialing...The idea came from local widow Debbie Virgoe, whose husband David died in a crash June 18, 2007 after his truck was clipped by car racing up the highway...(Photo by Janis Ramsay - Debbie Virgoe, widow of the trucker killed in a street racing crash last year on Highway 400, launched a new campaign to bust aggressive drivers. She was on hand Thursday with OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino to ask people to call 911)
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