User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Trucking is Lost ? * USA - Trucking as an industry is lost

Aug 6, 2008

Trucking is Lost ? * USA - Trucking as an industry is lost

USA -Life on the Road, by Wayne Weisser /From A Courtesy Flush. -Aug 3, 2008: -- ... Trucking and drivers are lost. Lost in the fog of misdirection. Fuel prices skyrocketed and drivers got lost in the story of how the Evil Oil Companies are destroying trucking, when the truth was trucking is eating itself from the inside. Always does, but with the focus on fuel, no one wants to mention the fact that there are too many trucks chasing too little freight... While older drivers are having some success at staying in business, schools and companies are still feverishly recruiting new soon to be disillusioned drivers, while a lot owners and companies are giving up completely at alarming rates. Which is why myself and V.Grumpy have been really busy these last couple of months. Not making as much money as I was last year, turning down ridiculously cheap freight and trying to balance work bills, home bills and home life as much as possible...

Striking for fuel will fix what? ...Fuel is just one piece... How do you fix overcapacity? Stop recruiting. Make the CDL rules and even the physical a little tougher. Make CDL schools more than CDL Test Passing Centers. Stop importing drivers. This is a Canadian company recruiting in England, but they have a huge US presence and a US branch. Make Broker and even Carrier authority bonds higher. Enforce the laws...

What if there were fewer trucks? ... Rates would come up... That would make consumer stuff more expensive, Make trucking a real career choice. A real driver shortage will force companies that want to stay in business to respect and treat their drivers, right and haul freight only from customers that respect a drivers time and labor. If I walked into a large shipper and was actually welcomed and treated with respect instead of being treated like I was a pain in their backside interrupting their solitaire game, I’d probably fall over dead in shock... None of this will happen because truckers are lost. Wondering around blaming everyone but themselves for the industry’s problems. Not wanting to quit because we are in too deep and know nothing else. Thinking that striking will gain us respect and get us what we want, when it will actually have the opposite effect. Most of us just want to be left alone and let us drive, feed our families and pay some bills...

* Truck Driving Jobs on the Rise Due to Job Transfers Within the Trucking Industry

USA -OneOnes Blogoshpere Community -August 4, 2008: -- You wouldn’t think it to look at any of the nation’s highways but there’s a severe shortage of truck drivers out there in the job market. With most transportation companies having to park many of their trucks up against the fence because they have no one to drive them, the industry is in a real bind... Because of the reality of economic growth in this country, the need for delivery drivers is expected to continue to grow at a high rate for many years to come. The rate of driver turn-over in the industry is currently at 35% and is one of the highest rates of employee turn-over in any industry in the nation. For continued economic growth, most transport companies realize that this rate must be brought back under control... As can be expected with a volatile industry such as the trucking industry, the recent high cost of diesel fuel and a slow-to-react economy, has caused some trucking companies to actually find it necessary to start cutting back on the number of drivers they have on the road. This shouldn’t deter anyone wanting to make a career in the trucking industry, however, as the market for new drivers is one that will always bounce back, looking to hire as many new and qualified drivers as possible and potential truck mechanics to keep the trucks on the road...



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