User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: AWARD * USA - State Trucking Associations Honor Elisabeth Barna With Halladay Award

Aug 6, 2008

AWARD * USA - State Trucking Associations Honor Elisabeth Barna With Halladay Award

Arlington,VA,USA -MarketWatch -August 4, 2008: -- The Trucking Association Executives Council recently honored ATA Vice President of Strategic Planning and Outreach Elisabeth Barna with the J.R. "Bob" Halladay Award for her dedication to the trucking industry... The Halladay Award, named after former ATA Senior Vice President for Federation Relations Bob Halladay, recognizes individuals for outstanding contributions in assisting and supporting the work and efforts of ATA's 50 state trucking associations... The Trucking Association Executives Council is comprised of staff executives of state trucking associations and conferences affiliated with American Trucking Associations. This mission of TAEC is to promote the trucking industry; contribute to the improvement of the associations and organizations established to serve the trucking industry; and to advance the professional stature and capabilities of the executives of those associations...



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