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Aug 26, 2008

TRUCKERS' PROTEST * Japan - Thousands, protest high fuel prices

Thousands of truck drivers across Japan held demonstrations Tuesday to protest rising fuel prices and warned they would add surcharges to cover spiraling costs

Tolyi,Japan -AP/The China Post (Pekin,China), by JAY ALABASTER -26 Aug 2008: -- Trucks moved slowly along city streets in convoys, their vehicles adorned with banners saying they would be forced to raise prices, while hundreds of protesters marched and shouted slogans calling for tax cuts on gasoline and lower highway tolls... Organizers from the Japan Trucking Association estimated 20,000 demonstrators participated nationwide. They said it was the first time such protests had been conducted on a national scale... The powerful association stopped short of organizing a strike that could paralyze the country. Tuesday's protests merely slowed down some services... Japan's population is largely packed into its big cities, which depend on truck deliveries each morning to keep stores and restaurants stocked...



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