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Aug 2, 2008

CONTROLS * USA - City police sting truckers

Checkpoint nets vehicle, driver citations

Fort Collins,CO,USA -The Coloradoan, by NateTaylor -August 1, 2008: -- Fort Collins police handed out 50 citations to commercial truck drivers during an eight-hour span Wednesday, with almost half of them resulting in drivers being forced to park their trucks until the problems were fixed... Sgt. Mike Trombley said the location was selected because it is the most common route truckers take from Interstate 25 to avoid the port of entry checkpoint just south of Interstate 25 and Prospect Road... The citations turned up 71 violations. Twenty-three commercial trucks were given out-of-service citations because of 42 violations... Wednesday's temporary checkpoint stopped all trucks weighing at least 10,000 pounds and was a replica of the operations performed at the port of entry... Violations included missing trailer tires, no brake lights on trailers, dragging equipment, unsecured loads and drivers who had logged too many hours...



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