One Intermodal Train Equivalent Of Up To 300 Trucks
Washington,DC,USA -KSBW -July 30, 2008: --With more big rigs off the roads, motorists could save loads of time and gas money -- that's the conclusion of a traffic congestion study.The Congestion Relief Index focused on 82 major metropolitan areas... The rail industry said the solution is simple; shift more freight from trucks to trains and commuters save...How much gas? ... An industry-funded congestion relief study added up the savings. If 25 percent of freight were shifted to rail, each commuter could save an average of $985 in fuel costs and 41 hours a year...With a crucial transportation funding bill up for reauthorization next year, the rail industry is running ads aimed at influencing the debate.Rail companies are pushing for public-private partnerships and tax incentives to help boost capacity... (See Video)
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