User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: ARGUMENTS * USA - Nearly 10 Billion Fewer Miles Driven in May 2008 Than May 2007

Aug 1, 2008

ARGUMENTS * USA - Nearly 10 Billion Fewer Miles Driven in May 2008 Than May 2007

Washington,DC,USA -ITS America News -28 July 2008: -- Figures from the Federal Highway Administration show that the number of vehicle-miles traveled in the United States declined by 9.6 billion in May 2008 compared to May 2007, the third largest monthly decrease in the 66 years since such figures have been kept... Between November 2007 and May 2008, 40.5 billion fewer miles have been traveled; three of the largest monthly declines ever recorded have occurred since December. Fewer miles traveled is translating into less funding for the Highway Trust Fund through revenues from gasoline and diesel taxes. "By driving less and using more fuel-efficient vehicles, Americans are showing us that the highways of tomorrow cannot be supported solely by the federal gas tax," says U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary Peters. "We must embrace more sustainable funding sources for highways and bridges through more sustainable and effective ways such as congestion pricing and private activity bonds."... (See Below infrastructures: 30 July 2008 - INFRASTRUCTURES' PLAN * USA - US DOT Proposes Over... )



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