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Jul 15, 2008

Transportation Industry * Taiwan - May receive exemption

First reading of a revised rule to allow cargo trucks and containers to be exempt from vehicle fuel and license taxes...

Taipei,Taiwan -The China Post -July 15, 2008: -- The Transportation Committee of the Legislative Yuan yesterday completed the first reading of a revised rule of the statute governing the development of mass transportation to allow cargo trucks and containers, passenger buses, small cargo and sedan leasing business to be exempt from vehicle fuel and license taxes, but the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) opposed to the revision... In response, the MOTC opposed to the proposed exemption of fuel and license taxes, as the annual tax income would be cut by NT$4.5 billion, which may undermine the government's road maintenance works... MOTC officials said that if the fuel and license tax exemption proposals are ratified, it would be unfair to those owners of self-use vehicles and operators of "other categories of transportation business."... In addition, the proposals would undermine the government's road construction and maintenance jobs, because most of the fuel and license tax incomes are used to cover such jobs and safety management...



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