User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: State Rule * USA - NYSMTA Says Proposed One, Will Waste Fuel, Add to Inflation

Jul 18, 2008

State Rule * USA - NYSMTA Says Proposed One, Will Waste Fuel, Add to Inflation

Albany,N.Y.,USA -MarketWatch -Jul 18, 2008: -- ... The latest blow from government regulators is a proposed rule that will waste fuel and add to the cost of all consumer goods... With skyrocketing fuel prices, New York State Thruway toll hikes, and the onerous ton-mile tax, the cost of shipping goods in New York continues to rise. Adding to this burden, Governor Paterson last month issued draft regulations that would divert truck traffic throughout the state to significantly longer routes... "The New York State Motor Truck Association (NYSMTA) has serious concerns regarding the impact this regulation would have on the New York economy," said NYSMTA Acting President, Kendra Adams... Today, a truck delivering materials from Syracuse to Corning Glass in Corning travels 200 miles to make one round trip. If enacted, the draft regulation would require the same truck to travel 292 miles. Assuming one truck can make two round trips a day, five days per week, the increased mileage would result in an additional cost of $127,254 per year. About $50,000 of this increase can be attributed to fuel usage (Example assumes $2.66 per mile operating costs and 5 miles per gallon at $5.20 per gallon of diesel). Carriers struggling with rising fuel costs and fighting to stay in business cannot afford to absorb these additional costs. The costs ultimately are passed to consumers in the form of higher prices. At a time when all New Yorkers are struggling with a sluggish economy and record fuel prices, restricting truck access in the state is the wrong policy...



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