User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS' PROTEST WORLDWIDE

Jun 19, 2008


* USA - Convoy to Albany to protest fuel prices

More than 100 truck drivers are taking part in a noisy downtown Albany rally to demonstrate against skyrocketing fuel prices that are staggering their industry

New York,NY,USA -CBS6 Albany/Associated Press -June 19, 2008: -- ... About 110 tractor-trailer cabs, dump trucks and flatbeds jammed streets around the state Capitol building before a rally in an adjacent park... Truckers were blaring their horns before parking near another park blocks away from the rally site... Gov. David Paterson told the crowd he'd support a summer gasoline tax "holiday" if fuel companies promise to pass the savings on to consumers and he urged the truckers to take their protest to the headquarters of big oil companies...The drivers gathered at truck stops in Washington and Montgomery counties before convoying to Albany Thursday morning...

* Israel - Truck drivers protest fuel prices, clog main T.A. artery

Tel Aviv,Israel -Haaretz, by Avi Bar-Eli -19 June 2008: -- The protest against the climbing fuel prices came to a head Thursday as hundreds of truck drivers, taxi drivers and bus drivers came together to demonstrate their criticism of the state's apparent indifference to the pressing problem... At 2 P.M. convoys of vehicles left from Ashdod, Jerusalem and Haifa, making their way toward Tel Aviv in efforts to converge in Tel Aviv and clog the city's main artery, Ayalon highway, between 3:30 and 5:00 P.M... The police was holding the convoys off, but severe congestion was recorded in sections of the highway... A board spokesman said that when the diesel tax was set in 1999 it comprised nine percent of the transportation input, but has since soared to 40 percent. Diesel prices have risen since 2002 by 460 percent, he said... About two weeks ago Finance Minister Roni Bar-On said that the treasury would not reduce fuel taxes, infuriating the transporters and haulers. A member of the transporters' action committee said: "Treasury officials are obtuse and impervious. Apparently they'll take action only after the entire country is boiling and seething, as has happened in certain European states."...



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