PORT OF L.A * USA - Independent truck ban wins OK
Haulers plan to file lawsuit against the city, saying the policy violates free-trade laws
Torrance,CA,USA -The Daily Breeze, by Art Marroquin -17 June 2008: -- All short-haul truck drivers entering the Port of Los Angeles must become employees of licensed motor carriers by the end of 2013 as part of the final element of the Clean Trucks Program approved Tuesday by the Los Angeles City Council... In response, a national trucking group intends to file a lawsuit against the city within the next three weeks, claiming that the new mandate will violate federal free-trade laws by banning independent owner-operator truck drivers from the port... Opponents also said the plan unfairly favors large-scale licensed motor carriers to hire the drivers as employees, which will eventually drive smaller carriers out of business... Said Curtis Whalen of the American Trucking Association, "The city is attempting to regulate a deregulated market by reducing competition and determining employee status. This aspect is not about cleaning up the air."... Despite threats of a lawsuit, the Federal Maritime Commission - the agency that determines commerce law - gave its blessing last week to L.A.'s truck concession program. FMC officials said that competition will not be harmed and there were no reasons to delay the program's start date... (Video from Youtube, by USCGImagery - July 16, 2007: "Pollution Response Team, Los Angeles" (Time Warner Production) - U.S. Coast Guard pollution response team patrols Los Angeles - Long Beach harbor. Posted with permission of Time Warner Cable, SOCAL News)
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