User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS' STRIKE * South Korea - Enters into 6th day

Jun 18, 2008

TRUCKERS' STRIKE * South Korea - Enters into 6th day

S Korean gov't rejects demands by striking truck drivers

Seoul,S. Korea -Xinhua/ -June 18, 2008: -- South Korea's truck drivers continued their strike Wednesday for the sixth day as union representatives rejected the previous day's government proposals to end the walkout... The South Korean government said that it cannot accept the demands of striking truck drivers, but will buy excess trucks and help convert diesel engines to liquefied natural gas (LNG) units to help cut operating costs... In a press conference, the government said greater discounts will be offered to commercial vehicles using the nation's highways, but made it clear that it cannot meet the Korea Cargo Workers Union's demands... "The KCWU just reiterated its earlier demands for increased diesel fuel subsidies, a guaranteed minimum wage and recognition of truckers' full labor rights," the Ministry said in a statement,adding that "The government cannot accept such demands."...The Minister said that some union truckers are breaking the law by blocking traffic coming in and out of ports and container holding yards, and warned that appropriate measures will be taken... (Photo AFP: 1· Trucks at the southern port of Busan as a strike by transport workers eased slightly with some returning to work - 2 Photo by Park Ji-ho/Yonhap/Reuters: 2· Trucks are parked at the truck terminal in Seoul June 9, 2008)



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