User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: DRIVERS' SHORTAGE * Canada - Truckers getting double blow

Jun 15, 2008

DRIVERS' SHORTAGE * Canada - Truckers getting double blow

In fact, some freight operations are laying off employees in droves, if not going belly up altogether...

Ontario,CA,USA -The Associated Press /The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, by Matt Wrye -13 June 2008: -- ... A slowing economy and the skyrocketing cost of fuel is hurting small to mid-sized trucking companies in San Bernardino and Riverside counties with no relief in sight... According to Donald Broughton, transportation industry analyst at the investment firm Avondale Partners, during the first three months of this year, 935 trucking companies filed for bankruptcy. That's the highest failure rate seen since the economic slump of the early 2000s... Broughton estimates that more than 42,000 long-haul trucks - roughly 2percent of the nation's fleet of about 2million - were idled during the quarter... The large number of long-haul trucks that have been taken off the road is only one part of what's making it easier for long-haul trucking companies to find drivers. A softening economy with fewer jobs in construction and other industries that truckers might work in also is helping, Broughton said... Kelly Anderson, a consultant who advises trucking companies on how to attract drivers, said many have shifted their focus away from recruitment...



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