User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: FUEL COST SOLUTION * USA - Congress approves bills to stop oil diversion to SPR

May 15, 2008

FUEL COST SOLUTION * USA - Congress approves bills to stop oil diversion to SPR

Diversion of oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve suffered a one-two punch from Congress when both chambers voted to stop adding more $100-plus a barrel oil to the stockpile

Washington,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Jami Jones -May 14, 2008: -- ... Legislators in both the House of Representatives and the Senate approved with overwhelming majorities putting an end to pouring more oil into the reserve – until the end of the year... The House approved HR6022, the “Strategic Petroleum Reserve Fill Suspension and Consumer Protection Act of 2008,” with a vote of 385-25... Bush still hasn’t agreed to hold off on filling the reserve – even though it’s nearly at capacity. In fact, that proposal may become a reality – but not because the White House agreed to it. President Bush has threatened to veto any legislation that would impose a moratorium... At this point, for the legislation to take effect, the two chambers have to roll their individual legislative efforts into one bill and send it to the president for a signature. If the president vetoes, as he has threatened to do, the legislation will be sent back to Congress. At that point, the two chambers can override the veto with the two-thirds majority votes...



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