User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: FUEL COST CRISIS * USA - Florida truckers brainstorm with media, lawmakers on high fuel prices

May 15, 2008

FUEL COST CRISIS * USA - Florida truckers brainstorm with media, lawmakers on high fuel prices

New Port Richey,FL,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Clarissa Kell-Holland -May 14, 2008: -- Desperate to save his own business from going under because of high fuel prices, one trucker, Robert Solfio, said he decided to take action before losing it all... Solfio told that between 125 and 150 truckers attended in New Port Richey, FL, a town hall meeting with lawmakers and truckers on Saturday, May 10, to discuss how rising fuel prices are affecting truckers’ livelihoods... Solfio “These fuel prices are hurting us,” he said. “There’s no profit to be made anymore.”... Florida state Sen. Mike Fasano, R-New Port Richey, attended the meeting. Solfio indicated that Fasano said many of the issues truckers raised at the meeting are issues that need to be solved at the federal level, but that he promised to do what he could at the state-level to give truckers some relief... Solfio said he personally knows one guy that has gone from owning eight trucks last January to only two trucks today. Another guy he drives with every day had seven trucks this time last year, and now he’s down to one truck... Time is running out for some truckers who can’t afford fuel for their trucks, Solfio said...



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