User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: SLOWING DOWN * USA - Prices rise, speedometers dialed down

Apr 24, 2008

SLOWING DOWN * USA - Prices rise, speedometers dialed down

Truckers ease off pedal to save fuel

Fort Wayne,IN,USA -The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, by Angela Mapes Turner -April 23, 2008: -- From behind the fuel desk at the Fort Wayne Truck Plaza, Connie Humberger wrestles with two points of view... She has a job to do, and that job requires her to charge truck drivers for a shower or to cash a check... But she feels the pain of the drivers whose fuel bills she rings up. Her husband has been a truck driver for 30 years and, like many in the industry, he’s slowing down to save on escalating fuel prices... More and more, Humberger hears truckers who come into the truck plaza talk about slowing down to save on fuel... Mike Westmoreland is one “I keep it down to at least 65,” said Westmoreland, a Fort Wayne resident and independent trucker... Westmoreland took his truck off the road for a while but had to go back to work. He struggles to afford fuel and maintenance... “I really can’t afford not to work,” he said. “But there’s no money to work on that truck.”...



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