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Apr 25, 2008

INFRASTRUCTURES * USA - Senate committee reiterates Trust Fund crisis

Washington,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine, by David Tanner -April 23, 2008: -- If federal transportation funding remains at its current level, the Highway Trust Fund will go broke sometime in 2009, federal officials say. Recommendations by an appointed federal commission include raising fuel taxes to boost revenue... Federal fuel taxes haven’t changed since 1993... Neither the members of the appointed commission nor the senators attending Tuesday’s hearing were keen on tolling or privatization as solutions to the crisis... The current viewpoint of the Bush administration and U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary Peters is to reduce the federal role and allow states to build toll roads and lease infrastructure to the private sector...

* CARB unveils $7.7 million plan to build, improve hydrogen-fuel stations

Sacramento,CAL,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Charlie Morasch -April 23, 2008: -- More than 200 hydrogen-powered vehicles are running down California roads and highways, refilling at some of the state’s 24 working hydrogen stations... The Governator, however, wants more hydrogen power... The California Air Resources Board wants to hand out $7.7 million to support Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Hydrogen Highway initiative, which includes the creation of a hydrogen refueling network. The funds will be directed to build new hydrogen stations and improve existing stations in the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas...

* Truckers get free power – for now

Portland, OR,USA -Land Line Magazine -April 23, 2008: -- Truckers whose trucks are equipped for shore power are getting an extra bonus – at least for now – when they pull into the Jubitz Travel Center in Portland, OR... A company called Shorepower Technologies has installed 32 operational electrical ports, but won’t start charging for them until certain tests are complete. Jubitz fuel manager Lee Pederson said, in the meantime, the service is free. The company is expanding to other sites in Oregon and Washington as well... Eventually, 160 electricity-powered parking spaces will be provided at truck stops along Oregon’s Interstate 5 corridor...The truckers will be charged about a dollar an hour for electricity...



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