TRUCKS' PURCHASE PROSPECTS * USA - Port revs up plan to replace old rigs
Long Beach Moving on Trucks
Los Angeles,CAL,USA -The Los Angeles Business Journal, by RICHARD CLOUGH -17 March 2008: -- Despite an ongoing dispute with its sister port in Los Angeles over its truck replacement program, Long Beach is rapidly moving down its own road to put drivers behind the wheels of new, cleaner-burning trucks... The Long Beach port recently issued a formal request for proposals to truck manufacturers and financial institutions that officials hope will partner with the port on its $2.2 billion program, which will replace the aging fleet of harbor trucks with vehicles that run on either “clean” diesel or alternative fuels, such as liquefied natural gas... Big truck manufacturers will supply as many as 16,000 new rigs, while the financial houses will purchase and lease out the trucks either to independent owner-operators or to motor carriers. A preliminary RFP was issued March 7 that gives companies until April 3 to submit proposals. The port expects to announce participants in late April but details are still being worked out...
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