User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CLEAN AIR * USA - Bill allows EPA to retrofit old diesel engines

Mar 14, 2008

CLEAN AIR * USA - Bill allows EPA to retrofit old diesel engines

Officials want to use $45M in Clean Air Act settlements for project

Washington,DC,USA -The Detroit News, by David Shepardson -March 14, 2008: -- Congress moved one step closer to passing a bill to limit air pollution from millions of older diesel engines in school buses and other heavy vehicles... On Thursday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved a bill to allow the Environmental Protection Agency to use settlement funds to retrofit older diesel engines. The Senate unanimously passed its version Feb. 29. Between 2001 and 2006, companies agreed to enter into settlements worth more than $45 million for violations of the Clean Air Act. The bill will allow the funds to be used to upgrade older engines...

* Energy law delays planned auto rules
Washington,DC,USA -The Detroit News -March 14, 2008: -- Proposed climate-change requirements for automobiles that the Bush administration had planned in December were delayed by complications caused by the passage of an energy law, said Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Stephen Johnson. Johnson, testifying before the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, said the energy law was "a major factor contributing" to delays because it made changes to biofuels and vehicle fuel-economy mandates that required analysis. The Supreme Court ruled in April that automobile greenhouse-gas emissions are a pollutant under the Clean Air Act. Emissions of those substances are blamed for global warming...



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