User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Container Fees * USA - Retail Group Urges Port of Oakland To Reject Ones

Mar 14, 2008

Container Fees * USA - Retail Group Urges Port of Oakland To Reject Ones

Washington,DC,USA -Import Industry News, by USA Custom House Guide -March 13, 2008: -- On Tuesday, the National Retail Federation urged the Port of Oakland to reject a proposal to impose new container fees similar to those approved recently in Los Angeles and Long Beach, and instead adopt a plan to ease air pollution and congestion that is supported by shippers... Oakland is reportedly considering a plan similar to one recently adopted by the Los Angeles and Long Beach Boards of Port Commissioners that would impose new fees intended to pay for road, bridge, and rail infrastructure improvements and diesel truck replacements as part of a plan to ease traffic congestion and air pollution around the ports... The LA/Long Beach plan includes a $30 fee for each 40-foot container moving into or out of the ports earmarked for infrastructure and another $70 per container fee intended to help fund the purchase of new, lower-emission trucks... The NRF-backed alternate calls for statewide emissions standards, would create a fund to help pay for truck replacement, and would create a public-private partnership to pay for infrastructure improvements. Independent truckers would not be banned...



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