User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING POLICIES * Canada - CTA Urges Premiers to Take Action on Interprovincial Trade Barriers in

Mar 14, 2008

TRUCKING POLICIES * Canada - CTA Urges Premiers to Take Action on Interprovincial Trade Barriers in

July deadline is fast approaching

Ottawa,ONT,Canada -Canadian Trucking Alliance (press release) -March 13, 2008: -- Last August, Canada’s Premiers announced they were moving forward to strengthen domestic trade between provinces and territories by reducing barriers to trade flows... The Premiers instructed ministers responsible to do this work by July 2008... This was welcome news to the Canadian Trucking Alliance... CTA has long argued that because trucking is primarily regulated by the provinces, the industry is subject to a patchwork quilt of provincial regulations and standards. And, with the July deadline fast approaching, CTA is keen to see some progress and has written to the Council of the Federation (whose membership is made up of the provincial premiers)... Chief Executive Officer David Bradley says he hopes there will be progress on modernizing some of the rules that govern the industry, but he says, “it will take the political commitment of the Premiers, the development of new models for consensus building and decision-making, and a re-energizing of existing ones.”... (Video from YouTube, by DaveSpencer32 -February 11, 2008: "CANADIAN TRUCK HOLIDAY 1995 THROUGH THE ROCKIES" A trailer for PMP DVD 1598 Canadian Truck Holiday 1995)



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