User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TOLLS * USA - Washington State Legislature OKs tolling bills

Mar 14, 2008

TOLLS * USA - Washington State Legislature OKs tolling bills

WASH,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Keith Goble -March 12, 2008: -- A bill on its way to Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire’s desk would set up a framework for collecting tolls in the state. Another bill headed to the governor’s desk would create a study group to help determine how the state would collect tolls on the state Route 520 replacement bridge... At the urging of the governor, the state’s House and Senate approved a bill – HB1773 – that would give the Legislature authority to impose tolls on unspecified roads and bridges. Each toll project would require its own bill... Another bill on the move would prohibit sales and use taxes from being used for large toll projects...



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