User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS' HEALTH * USA - Celadon drives down costs with innovative wellness plan

Feb 4, 2008

TRUCKERS' HEALTH * USA - Celadon drives down costs with innovative wellness plan

Truck drivers are accustomed to logging lots of miles on their 18-wheelers, but on their sneakers?

Indianapolis,IN,USA -The Indianapolis Business Journal, by Scott Olson -February 2, 2008: -- They are at locally based Celadon Group, thanks to its “Highway 2 Health” wellness program the trucking firm launched in 2006. Prodding employees to lead healthier lifestyles is a way to help cut escalating health care costs... Sitting behind a wheel for hours on end is bound to widen the load when the traditional fatty fare dished out at greasy diners and interstate truck stops is the course of the day... Many of Celadon’s drivers, however, are winning the battle of the bulge by trying some unusual tactics. They might strap a bicycle to their truck, for instance, or jog around it, in an effort to burn calories. In fact, 32 laps around a big rig equal a mile. Dumbbells and stair-stepper devices are prevalent as well... Driver George Greenwell of Red Oak, Texas, near Dallas, is proof the program is producing results. The 67-year-old got behind the wheel of a rig for the first time 22 years ago and tipped the scale at about 190 pounds—ideal for his 6-foot frame...



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