Prince George,British Columbia,Canada -The Prince George Citizen, by GORDON HOEKSTRA -15 February 2008: -- ... But the log trucker says residents don't understand the system... The system the driver is talking about is the pay system for truck drivers. It's normally based on a rate of pay that is tied to a turnaround time. If a log trucker is being paid for a five-hour turnaround time, and it takes him six hours, he's not compensated for the last hour... There's an tendency for truckers to go faster when the conditions are good, but that can reduce turnaround times, which makes them even more difficult to meet when conditions are poor as they are now, said Prince George Truckers Association president Stan Wheeldon ... He said there has to be a change in mindset on the turnaround time issue and truckers' argument it makes it necessary to speed...Labels: truckers' pay systems
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