User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKS ACCIDENTS * USA - ODOT tries to stem increase in

Feb 15, 2008

TRUCKS ACCIDENTS * USA - ODOT tries to stem increase in

Truckers keep on truckin’ — and getting into accidents

Eugene,OR,USA -The Register-Guard, by Jeff Wright -February 15, 2008: -- ... In a new report, the state Department of Transportation says total truck miles in Oregon increased by 8 percent between 2001 and 2006... But the rate of truck crashes in which the truck driver was at fault climbed by 22 percent in the same six-year span... In response to that “bedeviling” trend, the agency has vowed to intensify its efforts this year to reduce truck-related accidents on Oregon highways, primarily through more “inspection blitzes” of truckers and their rigs, and through an education campaign aimed at truckers, truck companies and the general public... (Video from YouTube, by katkisa -December 30, 2007: "Trucking Accident " - A trucking accident caught on film in Oregon. My brother is a truck driver and was driving past it. As you can see, one truck was plowed into the back of another and so on and so forth. Text from him = This is what happens when someone doesn't pay attention - Snow and Ice don't mix)



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