User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Public-Private Partnerships * USA - May have a negative impact

Feb 15, 2008

Public-Private Partnerships * USA - May have a negative impact

... without an increase in transparency - GAO wants transportation policy ‘re-examined’

Washington,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine, by David Tanner -February 12, 2008: -- Officials with the U.S. Government Accountability Office are calling for a fundamental re-examination of the current strategy for tolling, congestion pricing and public-private partnerships being promoted by U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary Peters... GAO officials released a report Monday, Feb. 11, stating that public-private partnerships need more transparency and public accountability to be a sustainable transportation philosophy. The report is titled “Highway Public-Private Partnerships: More Rigorous Upfront Analysis Could Better Secure Potential Benefits and Protect the Public Interest”... Public-private partnerships, or PPPs, are the result of deals struck between governments and private businesses to fund and/or complete projects. A well-known case for truckers is the lease of the Indiana Toll Road to private investors from Spain and Australia in mid-2006. The investors paid the state government $3.85 billion for the right to collect tolls and assume control of the roadway for 75 years... GAO officials say some PPPs are necessary, but without an increase in transparency, public-private partnerships may have a negative impact on interstate commerce...



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