User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: COLD WEATHER * USA - Icy conditions cause numerous crashes

Feb 13, 2008

COLD WEATHER * USA - Icy conditions cause numerous crashes

Champaign County man dies when vehicle rolls

Danville,VA,USA -The Commercial News, by BRIAN L. HUCHEL -February 13, 2008 Injuries may have been sparse, but traffic accidents weren’t as motorists had trouble staying on the roads Tuesday morning... A glaze of ice covering several spots created problems for drivers... Traffic accidents beginning about 6:30 a.m. and continuing for a couple hours, clogged several roadways in and around Danville and left the westbound lanes of Interstate 74 closed for part of the morning... (Video from YouTube, by carlos14891 -January 17, 2007 : "Icy roads cause an unbelievable amount of funny crashes". A road in portland has iced over is causing these drivers all sorts of problems, you would have thought they would have realised and stopped?)



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