User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Cross-Border Trucking * USA - Teamsters Await Ruling on Legality of

Feb 13, 2008

Cross-Border Trucking * USA - Teamsters Await Ruling on Legality of

Teamsters' Rally Draws 450 Outside San Francisco Courthouse

San Francisco,CAL,USA -PRNewswire-USNewswire -Feb. 12, 2008: -- The Teamsters Union now awaits a decision from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on the legality of the Bush administration's cross-border truck pilot program... The three-judge panel questioned attorneys for the Teamsters, the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Owner-Operators Independent Drivers Association, who joined the Teamsters in the lawsuit... Congress set safety requirements before the southern border could be opened to long-haul trucks. Those included upgrading inspection facilities, computer databases and state enforcement capacity. The Teamsters argued those requirements were not met... The Teamsters further argued that Transportation Secretary Mary Peters broke another law after Congress cut off funds for the program in December. Peters defied Congress and announced she would keep the border open... (Photo by Associated Press: Outside a federal appeals court in San Francisco, union members and supporters rallied against a program that allows Mexican trucks to drive throughout the United States)



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