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Feb 11, 2008

OVERWEIGHT TRUCKS * USA - Balancing safety and commerce on truck scales

State currently fines some over-limit vehicles while issuing permits for others

Greenwich,PEN,USA -The Star-Ledger, by JOE MALINCONICO -February 11, 2008: -- At the Route 78 weigh station in Greenwich, a few miles from the Pennsylvania border, State Police are looking for overloaded trucks that officials say jeopardize safety and damage bridges... As trucks drive by at 35 mph, troopers use motion scales to sort out rigs that come close to the state's 80,000-pound limit. An electronic sign tells possible violators to pull to the side for a more precise measurement on scales connected to a computer. The Greenwich station is a big reason the number of summonses issued to overweight trucks in New Jersey jumped three-fold last year, to 2,836, officials said... Meanwhile, on the other side of the state, along the gritty waterfront in Newark and Elizabeth, trucks that exceed the 80,000-pound limit routinely rumble from the shipping terminals onto the open road... For a $10 fee, trucking companies can get 72-hour permits from the state's Motor Vehicle Commission to operate overweight rigs. For $100, they can get annual permits to haul port cargo containers even if they weigh as much as 10,000 pounds over the limit... (Video fromYouTube, by portrunner249 -December 17, 2007: "Port of Entry" : Trucks crossing static scale at weigh / inspection facility)



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