Dallas,TX,USA -The Dallas Morning News -September 19, 2007: -- ... For them to label Mexico's trucking industry as too unsafe for U.S. highways is hypocritical at best and statistically dubious... But that hasn't stopped the Teamsters president, James Hoffa, from amping up the hysteria about the "dangerous" Mexican trucks heading our way under a NAFTA pilot program. Others warn that Mexican truckers will help smuggle illegal immigrants. Environmental groups are piling on as well... On Web sites and blogs, they paint an image of tequila-swilling Mexicans swerving their overloaded, smoke-belching 18-wheelers across our interstate highways, taking aim at soccer moms in minivans full of children... This is not a migration issue, nor is it about dangerous Mexican truckers on U.S. highways. It's about organized labor invoking Americans' worst fears to protect jobs and undermine the North American Free Trade Agreement... The time for this debate was during negotiations before NAFTA became law in 1994. Negotiators long ago concurred that it wasted time and money to transfer cargo from one truck to another at the border when a properly certified truck and driver from the originating country were capable of door-to-door delivery...
* How low can company driver pay go? Pretty low in Mexico
Grain Valley,MO,USA -San Antonio Express-News/ Land Line Magazine -September 18, 2007: -- The driver of the very first Mexico-based truck to come into the United States in the controversial cross-border program earns a mere 13 cents per mile and $20 per day for expenses... Luis González drove the first truck from Monterrey, Mexico, to North Carolina. He has more than 10 years’ experience and is among the company’s best, according to an article in the detailing the first delivery under the cross-border program... With more than 10 years of experience and an impeccable driving record like González reportedly has, company drivers in the U.S. can easily earn three times as much as González... An informal survey of company driver pay offerings with 10 or more years experience had many U.S. companies paying 40 cents per mile and up, with some companies reporting driver pay at 50 cents per mile with that kind of experience... As far as expenses go, the $20 a day González was paid is far below the $52 per diem allowed by the IRS for U.S. truckers...
* Another Mexican trucking company cleared to operate in U.S.
San Diego,CAL,USA -The San Diego Union Tribune -20 Sepy 2007: -- Two additional trucking companies – one from the U.S. and one from Mexico – are cleared to participate in the FMCSA’s controversial cross-border trucking pilot program... That brings the total number of officially approved trucking companies to four – two from each side of the border... The latest Mexican company is Transportes Rafa, based in Mexicali, Baja. The American company is IBC Inc., which is based in San Diego...
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