DRIVERS' SHORTAGE * USA - Employment and Career Opportunities in Trucking
USA -Dayle is Serious, by Lance Winslow -5 Set 2007: --Despite the high oil and gas prices the trucking industry is running at record profits. In factUPSandFedExare growing and both announced major acquisitions in the Industry in the neighborhood of over two billion dollars...Unfortunately, the trucking industry cannot get enough drivers to drive all the trucks and haul all the product that needs to get to market. And it is going to be about two more decades and until trucks can drive themselves...Robotic trucks of the future may be more of a necessity than anything else...Many immigrants who are coming over from Russia and Mexico and even the Middle East become truck drivers...Trucking companies are now forced to hire people straight out of prison just to get enough drivers to make it all work. Some trucking companies have only a handful of people in the entire company that don’t have felonies on the record...Some say this is a sign of the times and yet many industry analysts are saying that we have a crisis looming that could affect the entire economy and industrial output in the United States of America...(Photo by
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