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Aug 4, 2007

Truckers defended * Canada

There's a lot of ignorance, hypocrisy and politics that truckers are facing. Other sources of noise are ignored

Mississauga,Ont,Canada -The Mississauga News, by Don Bell -August 3, 2007: -- ... Large trucks are giants in a crowd, meaning they stand out. This usually attracts unnecessary criticism. Most large trucks are limited to a maximum speed of 105 kph, all the while speeding cars are allowed to continue as they please. This leaves a minority of truckers unsafe on the road. However, despite the misconception that trucks are unsafe, truckers posses the safest driving records... The Ontario Transportation Ministry’s Ontario Road Safety annual report states that tractor trailers are involved in 2 per cent of all collisions, and 6 per cent of all fatalities. Most collisions between cars and large trucks are caused by the motorist in the car, not the large truck. Over 85 per cent of such collisions are due to an error on the part of the car operator... However, complaints about cars from truckers are routinely ignored. Yet, only trucking is deemed unsafe... Speeding cars, motorist fatigue, as well as other unsafe habits have caused far more fatalities than trucks have. It is a hypocrisy for the very people that drive their cars unsafely to push for heavier restrictions against trucks... Safety as well as the road in general are for all. Trucks are no different than smaller such motor-vehicles...



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