* USA - Troopers Ban Non-English Speaking Trucker

Greenwood,Neb,USA -NBC6.net (Miami,FL)/Omaha TV station KETV -June 6, 2007: -- The Nebraska State Patrol stopped a truck driver who only speaks Russian, and told him he can go no further until he learns the language, reported... "Sir, I need your papers. I need your papers. All of your papers. Log book, registration, yes," a trooper said during a truck safety stop operation near Greenwood... The trucker had all his documents in order and a valid commercial driver's license, but he couldn't communicate with state troopers. Under the law, troopers were forced to make the driver park his truck and take him out of service. Troopers said they are having more and more problems with language barriers... Federal regulations said that commercial drivers should be able to read and speak the English language sufficiently to converse with the general public. But 17 states and the District of Columbia offer the commercial driver's license test in foreign languages... Nance Harris of the Nebraska Trucking Association said there's a reason some trucking companies are hiring professional drivers from out of the country. "Current estimates are that we have a shortage of about 30,000 drivers... "
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