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Jun 6, 2007

Trucker lingo * USA - Truckenees - Lesson No. 3

This is lesson number 3 in my series “Truckenees”, how to speak the trucker lingo

USA -BigDadGib -16 June 2007: -- Remember, the following is not just for the CB radio. These terms and phrases are part of the everyday language of the modern trucker. ..

Extra tip: “Bear” can be used when referring to any police officer.

This week:

“Bull wagon” - a truck used to haul livestock (cattle, hogs, etcetera)

“Rocking chair” - used when referring to your position between two other trucks. The second truck in a group of three

“Pedle to the metal” - full acceleration, full throttle, literally meaning the throttle pedal pushed down to the metal of the floorboard.

“Skateboard” - a specific type of truck that has no sides, front or doors on the trailer. Normally used to haul lumber, steel, pipe, machinery and heavy equipment. Also referred to as a flat bed trailer.

Now, let us use these new terms in a sentence, shall we.
“I was in the rocking chair with a bull wagon in front and a skateboard behind me and we had the pedle to the metal.”



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