User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: To Oppose Road Privatization * USA - Highway users get together

Feb 10, 2007

To Oppose Road Privatization * USA - Highway users get together

Washington,DC,USA -The Trucker -Feb 9, 2007: -- The American Trucking Associations, in conjunction with the American Automobile Association, the American Highway Users Alliance, the truck stop association Natso, the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association and the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association have formed a coalition of highway user groups to combat the growing trend toward the privatization or leasing of existing toll facilities to private investors... Known as “Americans for a Strong National Highway Network,” the coalition is designed to “advance the rights of American motorists to travel on safe, reliable public roads; maintain a robust national highway network for the efficient transport of goods and the military; and to hold government accountable for ensuring financing is transparent, motivated by public good and dedicated to transportation purposes“... ATA says it strongly opposes the lease or sale of existing toll roads, bridges or tunnels to private parties and has called upon the government to abandon these financing techniques, and that the trucking industry supports the objective of a toll-free national highway system where funds to finance highway improvements primarily come from highway user fees, such as the fuel tax...

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