Speed Limiters * USA - Trucking group decries they
...nothing stops any of these trucking companies from setting speed limiters on their trucks at any speed they choose...
Newton,MA,USA -Logistics Management -Feb 8, 2007: -- Small-business truckers represented by the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) have staked out a position in opposition to proposals requiring devices that would limit speed on large trucks... Petitions requesting the government to require speed limiters be set at 68 mph and not tampered with are being considered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration... OOIDA charged in a press release hat support for speed limiters by a handful of large trucking companies and their association under the guise of safety is nothing more than a public relations smokescreen. The small business truckers OOIDA noted that nothing stops any of these trucking companies from setting speed limiters on their trucks at any speed they choose...
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